Laws of my life
For every person, life's lesson
are learned from the day they are born all the way up until the day that they
die. Small babies and toddlers learn from their parents, siblings, and whomever
else that they are exposed to. They learn to crawl, say a few words, and they
learn to behave when they have had a spanked. When school starts they learn
colors, to count to ten, and the alphabet.
Then, after a while, that day comes
when they learn that not everyone is trustworthy, and that there are people in
the world that hurt others. For some, this is learned quicker than for others.
Whether it is a friend that treats them poorly or a parent that can't deal with
his or her problems without hurting someone, the time comes in life when many
lessons are learned.
Morals, beliefs, values, and the laws of life,
are the next thing to be accepted in life. These things are different from the
things that have already been learned by everyone. These are things that not
everyone agrees on completely, things that separate so many different types of
people. It often separates churches, political groups, and other organizations.
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